Thrive With Us
A Flexible Sales Force
Market Penetration
Human Intelligence
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About Us
Thank you for your interest, please read and fill out the short form below to your best ability.
We have a dedicated staff committed to providing an excellent opportunity for qualified applicants. Due the the nature of our client relationships,
each new hire is required to pass a
drug & background check.
No felonies or violent crimes will be considered. Additionally you must be 18 year of age or older with a minimum high school diploma or GED equivalent.
By checking this box, you acknowledge that you meet the basic requirements as stated above.
For which market are you applying?
Long Island
Staten Island
Are you currently employed?
Desired postition?
Entry Level
Management Training
Experienced Agent
Not Sure
For management training or position consideration, please review and select the choice(s) that apply to you:
College Degree
Past Management Experience
Naturally Organized
Adaptable to changing needs
You can select more than one by holding down CNTRL and/or SHIFT.
Are you looking for part time or full time?
Full Time
Part Time
Not sure
Availability (Please fill in the times you are available to work, ie. 9am-5pm)
Do you have reliable transportation?
What about this opportunity is important to you (please check all that apply)
High Commissions
Weekly Pay
Career Path/Advancement
Performance based bonuses
Felxible Hours
Team Atmosphere
Friendly competition
Ability to help others
Solving customer challenges
Customer interaction and presentations
Learning life skills
Learning sales skills
Learning management skills
Looking for a career change
Imagine that you’re a hotel concierge, and a guest asks you to make a dinner reservation at a specific restaurant. You know the place fairly well, and previous guests have given you negative feedback about it. But this guest seems very excited about the prospect of eating there and has not asked for your opinion. What do you do?
Congratulate the guest on his or her choice and make the booking.
Make the booking without providing your opinion.
Offer a couple of alternatives, explaining that they are probably better.
Share your opinion and say that several guests have been disappointed with the restaurant.
Pretend the restaurant is fully booked and offer to find an alternative.
Choose the most accurate statement below.
It is important for me to excel at everything I do.
I am good at everything I do.
If you want to be successful, you can’t always put others’ needs first.
What’s the worst thing about your current (or previous) job and what’s the best?
What activities make you lose track of time?
What do people typically ask you for help in?
Please review the quotes below:
Which of the above quotes do you like most and why?
Please use button below to upload your resume. If you do not have a resume to upload, please write a brief description of why you think you're well suited for this position
click here to write description
please type below
Upload Resume
Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf.
By checking this box, you acknowledge that you meet the basic requirements as stated above and you answered truthfully to the best of your ability. You agree that we can contact you by email or phone for the purposes related to this job offering. We will never sell your data. Period.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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